A Rapidly Esoteric World

This site will serve as a place for my rambling. These rambles will include: chemistry, Dota 2, and cooking.


Perception and recognition of our world flows through individual filters. It follows that identification, and understanding of our own lenses should bring clarity to what we observe. The greater benifit to acknowlodging that personal bias saturates our thoughts allows us to understand why we do not understand other people. I would like to think that anyone who has ever met anybody else should be terribly relived by that realization.

In these writings I plan to go on important tangents (ramble) in the hope that I can futher examine my own lense.

Dota 2

Dota 2 is a video game. It seems to be growing in popularity, but fortunately for our title there is an absurd amount of thought experiments and details we can mull over. The game features ten players, split into two teams who each then select a unique hero/character out of around 100. Each of these heroes has four abilities on average and six item slots that they may fill with almost any combination of around 100 unique items. It does not take much mathemetical education to realize that the number of possible permutations is immense.

I see paralells to real world models in Dota. While the goals and mechanics are clear (perhaps not to new players), their application to ensure victory are not. System-system interactions can be seen, and an organic organisation system amoung players appears as they work collectively and through many iterations to try and identify winning conditions. This is the soul and joy of Dota, observing and partaking in these facinating patterns of play as the game evolves.


Cooking is almost nothing like chemistry, lucid assertions to the other rely on specific(and probably not even esoteric) comparissons. In cooking there is very little homogeneity, even in dishes where a homogenouse mixture is intended it is almost always accompanied by a contrasting food. Cooking is more akin to an art. The goal is to create an experience with range/depth in a meal.